Thursday, June 02, 2005

Dreams & Sleepless Nights

Haven't been sleeping well. Too many dreams and restless nights. But i've dreamt of the same person twice. First dream was about me about to migrate the country for the US, land of the free. Had an argument with someone and so he came over to console me, we held hands and then fell asleep. Actually the image was v beautiful. So innocent, just holding of hands and asleep. Dreamt of him again, but by now i've forgotten what the dream was exactly. But it sure as hell woke me up and kept me from going back to sleep. So i've lost 2hours of sleep, on top of not much rest. *yawn* tempted to skip classes. Bag needs to be packed, tioman dive tomorrow night. Lots of things racing through my mind actually. Bleargh. Utterly confused & disorientated.

Unknown at 6:48 am