Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Tuitioned my cousin yesterday nearly forgot all about her tuition session this week. Sigh how irresponsible, tsk tsk. But it was great fun albeit draining too. I was running out of anecdotes and fuel. But all in all they're great fun. Tiring too. 3.5hrs of tuition, but her exams are up next week so we gotta make sure she's up to scratch. Which isn't very difficult, she has a tendency to push herself too hard but at least she takes time to relax too. So not too bad. Won't have a stressed kid running around me in future. (then again, from her dad's accounts it might happen but we'll take one step at a time) Now's my turn to push myself a little harder, my exams are next week too.
And here are some links that you guys can take a look at, some interesting techy stuff.
Flip Side of Phishing talks about how lax we are about our online security habits, which is quite true really. Maybe we all need a change in perception and how VoIP is so gonna take over the world,
Naked DSL, whom looks like i ought to get my Skype account and webcam and mike soon. Sigh geekiness, i so ought to get onto the bandwagon, but i'm never willing to shell out money for new technology. I'm the one who waits and waits and waits, but always anticipating the day the prices for the cool technology to drop. Hehe, but it's fun, not hopping on the bandwagon isn't all that bad u noe. Aight time for school, Statistics!! I love stats, hmm actually i love school in all. ;) Oh yeah links for today are all courtesy of there's an asian version which is more relevant, i used to find it more relevant and easier to navigate to the stuff i want, located at aight have fun u techies(in fact by now u should know these website's url by heart and that they're not like exactly really treasure troves, there're more cooler websites to go to. ;p for the non-geeks then)
Unknown at 12:39 pm