Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Time is such a heartless creature

This is most probably just milking the scandal for what it's worth, and after this most probably nobody will remember the comments passed and maybe even the person involved. Time is such a heartless creature. But i just have something to say and get off my chest. Yes PSC scholar, blog contained some racist stuff. Ok i actually have not read his blog, but just as everyone is guilty of being racist, just like one of my past posts where my friend and i commented that the PRCs are invading our local lucky draw contests. Although i used to be brought up to see people for who they are and not their colour. But as you grow older you realise that hey sometimes it is funny the jokes that are directed at them, tell me you've not heard the mini-mat joke, or how u label people as gragoh, or u call chinese munjen(pardon me on the typo error), or how you laugh at black jokes in the cinema, or just hating the ang mohs who're stealing the singaporean babes. All these are all considered forms of racism, but no we don't stop all these from going on. In fact we revel in it, ok for some they believe that whatever they wrote on his blog may incite/promote racism but do you really know if he is actually that racist in real life? And aren't you just as guilty of racist comments? And at the end of the day, he had a label "PSC Scholar". Welcome to the world, i think the public is enjoying the chance that they can finally lash out at these smart-asses who mugged in class while they played hop-skotch merrily. We are always too quick to condemn, happy that the person in the wrong is not us. Sad when you see singapore trying to mature as a society, the government controls us and the people respond in such childish manners that i'm not surprised the government wants to hand-hold us. All these morons ought to be zapped into vegetables, ate and shat out. Stop breathing the air i'm supposed to be breathing, for you incite childishness, hate. That is a bigger sin than racism, for hating everyone except yourself.

Unknown at 11:08 am