Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I've removed some people off the links for varying reasons. Don't worry i've not fallen out with these people, although my removing them could be reason enough for them to fall out with me. For reasons i do not wish to reveal for it may provoke some stuff, from something innocent to something blown out of proportion. It's time for a change in layout, long overdue. But i'm too lazy, i'm sorry. Plus i'm a perfectionist, at times at least, so i have to do something really nice. I've been sleeping the past few days away, just to pass time. Oh there's school later.. First day of school again, and the madness ensues. Hoho, we'll see how we survive. And about my results for my last term? I have totally no idea at all?!! Sucky admin, sigh, it's time for complains again. Not that i really like to complain, sometimes u just wonder if they heard u. So it's just checking up on them time. And yeah there'll b 10 more people in my class, coz yep they retained. That's a freaking high number that it's scary. My class started with only 10 of us, it's such a joke. But the previous batch had more people. And finally today i get to see sean. Alrighty time for prep to school.

Unknown at 11:40 am