Friday, November 05, 2004

scratched my dad's car badly today. Then now my dad doesn't wanna let me n my mum use the car coz he complaint tt we screwed up the car. Few days back the boot got whacked too. (Not me, was my mum), and the day before the radio antenna got bent. Oh well, i'll survive without it. But he's being so childish and selfish. N my mum needs to use the car for work. Seriously as i've grown up along the years, you start to see your parents less as god almighty parents but as people who have their own flaws and beauty. Sigh. Then my mum got pissed off, so she told me to pack up all her stuff(coz i was sitting in the front seat n she at the back). But really, what's the point of it all by doing such a thing? I alwez believe in sitting down and talk about it. That's why i kept quiet he'll simmer down and then u can start talking sense to him again, and if he really is so selfish n all then maybe both of u need help dahlings. Weird that at times i'm so impulsive and at times i'm so rational. It's the shadow of the self. Been reading a bit of Carl Jung and his theories, he's some psychologist, and it does help me make sense of things. When i wonder why people do what they do and all. =) Learning.

Unknown at 2:30 am