Friday, September 10, 2004
After the survey on saturday sharlene's supervisor asked to talk to me, he was keen to get me to be a financial advisor. It sounds like a pretty interesting job, but the way he spoke to me put me off. Everything was just about money. Talking about lifestyle, etc. I am very sorry, call me idealistic, but life is not just about money to me. I mean yeah i know u need some for survival, but lifestyle? Hmm maybe we're on the wrong frequency. Although i'm a big spender, i can live on minimal too. OK i think i'm getting very idealistic but i hate it!!!! Why? can't we be doing what we enjoy? And then last night while i was out with philipp this old guy was sms-ing him and he was asking if he knew any girls to introduce to him. this guy is old. n philipp is how old?!! then the guy replied nvm i like young girls. OMG. some people really lead very sad lives. seriously it's very sad when u see it happening to people. And then this morning when i read the newspapers jakarta bombings. Why?? really.. it saddens me, what they're doing is not gonna help their country nor their religion. They're just hurting their own people with their ideals. N then just now i heard this mother screaming at her kid and their block is the one across the park and her kid was wailing just as loud. Sigh. Esther and her parents, sigh. Is there anything i can do to help??? Sigh.. God please help me help them.
Unknown at 9:31 pm