Friday, August 13, 2004
Why can't people talk about life and death in a matter of fact manner? Look one thing is certain in life once you're born YOU WILL DIE. So, maybe we should plan how to live our lives and make damn well sure that we enjoy it coz some of you may believe in reincarnation, some in eternal life, some in err i dunno wad else. I believe in living your life to the max. Do everything you can, experience everything that you can and pray hard your body makes it to the last breath that is predestined, & if you don't believe in that, of course failing which you would still breathe your breath and die. I know I am a very opinionated person, sometimes too opinionated for my own good. But that's how i like to live my life. I take things to the extreme and come back again from the moon. That's how i like it. So why try to stop me from talking about mortality you will face it one day too. Hopefully not sooner than me. Yes I'd like to see you cry at my funeral and wail dawne was such a nice girl. Lol. Ego Me. But of course I may not get that chance and I'd cry at yours first. We won't really know will we. Sigh. Crystal Ball.... Gazing in, looking, searching, will we find it? Either way I place it in the hands of God.
Unknown at 2:46 pm