Monday, April 12, 2004
watched taking lives woohooo i love angelina jolie. can i kiss her sexy lips. n silly me didn't noe who ethan hawke was til i saw the credits. so malu sia. haha. alwez thought ethan hawke was more macho kind of good looking than the gentleman good looking. but damn good show. then doin my SAT questions, falling asleep soon eyes are closing. i think i need a financial goal to push me to plot out some aims for my life otherwise i'm just floating around. which is not good. recently read the newspapers on the sunday times then there was this wakeboarder.. omigosh she's so pretty and sexy. i dunno there's just this air about her. woohoo the confidence of a champion wakeboarder i guess. think i wanna take up diving n piano. but after this mth most prob no money n i feel bad hafing to take money from my parents. sumore if i get into uni i'll hafta rely on my parents for money, feel bad about it. my financial aiim is to earn enough to get a car and my career aim is to finalise on wad job i really wanna do. after watching taking lives i remembered why i wanted to take psychology it's so that i'll haf a shot at criminal psychology. yeah that's it. hafta keep remind myself on that. and i also realised that i m lucky enough that due to my huge reserves of RAM i can pick up things fast but i alwez plateau out becoz i nvr put in the effort into it or i'm alwez reading it in the wrong angle. just like touch rugby, i picked it up but i kinda stopped improving then the game seemed a little monotonous to me coz everyone else seems to b good at it. but in the last ivp i finally picked on the right angle to see the game tt made it more interesting for me. i guess tt also requires a good coach as well. in order to find out what exactly is ur short coming in order to help u improve. which in my case was to find out how to look at the gaps. or perhaps just explain it to me in simpler terms. sigh. n a lot of times i nvr really haf that zeal to try to improve myself. like now i'm alwez waiting to b spoonfed. dunno if it's my character or coz i've not found the something that i really haf a huge passion in. i guess it's my character. i dunno.. sigh.
Unknown at 11:28 pm