Tuesday, February 10, 2004

thanks for everyone's concerns. i'm nto dead no worries and my cough isn't that lethal so i guess i'll be able to survive for a short while. hehe. got called up by the ex-gf again now she wanna buy notebooks from me. then later on she digressed and asked if i was going out with him for dinner this sat. i was like hmm not really sure yet then she urged me to haf fun n accept him n go out for dinner with him this sat, n that she's moving on blah blah. evening she sms me ask me to reject him coz she has something planned for him n that she can't give him up. sigh. i feel like i'm just a puppet pull me here i go, push me there i go. feeling pissed off to be caught in between both of them like that. so i rejected him. n hopefully she wakes up her blardy idea soon enuf. if she were huili i would have given her a slap on the face. huili if u're reading this u also pls wake up. for goodness sakes. i see pretty girls wasting their time on guys who won't bother with u anymore. look love urself, open up your eyes before u get into another relationship. dunno abt tt ex-gf lar but huili please.. it's painful for us to see u doing the same thing again n again. just hope these ppl will all wake up soon enuf. although i most prob need some help but i guess no one's perfect we all hafta learn how to be stronger.

Unknown at 12:01 am