Saturday, March 22, 2003

One of the lame online icq sessions i have with my friend:

onceuponatime (02:33 AM) :
haha yeah.. in fact me thinking of invading ur kingdom... erm let me think of an excuse.. U ARE HIDING WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!!!
Queen of all b*tches (02:35 AM) :
hmm really??
i just fired something at you. hmm looked like a nuclear weapon.
oopz looks like it was. /me puts on gas mask
onceuponatime (02:38 AM) :
erm.. dear queen it was nice noeing u... I WILL UNLEASH EVERY THING AT U IN A DECAPITATING ATTACk!!!
onceuponatime (02:38 AM) :
pls stay in ur bunker and mail me e exact coordinates hor
Queen of all b*tches (02:39 AM) :
oopz i think half your country is up in flames now

Queen of all b*tches (02:39 AM) :
was that too fast?
Queen of all b*tches (02:40 AM) :
ooh err i just sank 3 of your battleships and shot down quite a hgue number of your fighter planes.
onceuponatime (02:40 AM) :
erm... eh queen tt was ur side of e kingdom... erm.. u hear me rolling tanks?
Queen of all b*tches (02:41 AM) :
did u hear the landmines going off?
oh look behind i'm right behind you!!!

Unknown at 2:49 am