Saturday, March 01, 2003

I want to increase competitiveness within myself not others. Compete against my best self. Give my all.
Flexible. Think on your feet. Fit a solution to the situation rather than by the book.
Resposibility. Shallow-mindedness
Take up new challenges. Be a good conversationalist.
Apply what i learnt in dale carnagie.
Don't be so short tempered.
Be curious. Don't limit your knowledge to only what is required.
Focus. It's easier to achieve something that way.
Help others. Don't be so mean spirited.
Don't let what others think about you affect how you should be.
Maintain friendships by keeping in frequent contact. Don't leave your friend in the lurch.
Voice out what is neccessary.
Money isn't everything.
Spend more time with your family.
Train harder for your own sake. Rather than for vanity.
Don't be so selfish. Don't be lazy!!
Don't be showoff.
Strive for excellence not perfection.
Don't base everything on loooks. Looks can deceive.
Don't give up so easily. Persevere.
Don't be so stubborn.

Unknown at 7:03 pm