Saturday, February 08, 2003
The PAP government confirmed Feb 7 2003 that the CPF rate cut will stay till 2005. The CPF is workers and employers contributions to a forced savings scheme. Which means the 1999 CPF cuts, which cost Singapore workers $7.5 billion in earnings a year, will remain for six years. That's a total of $45 billion that workers will have sacrificed so far.
With GST confirmed to rise to 4 per cent on Jan 1 2003 and 5 per cent on Jan 1 2004, it will mean an additional burden to bear of $1.32 billion a year from 2004 onwards, forever.
Workers wages have also been frozen by order of the National Wages Council. Living in $ingapore is a high cost affair. And WORKERS ARE THE ONES ASKED TIME AND TIME AGAIN TO BEAR THE BURDEN AND MAKE THE SACRIFICE.
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Well Well everything that is coming into our pocket freezes. Everything that goes out increases.
Unknown at 11:51 am