Tuesday, November 19, 2002

tried cheetos flaming hot flavour. wah it's hot but i have no idea what's the taste behind the hotness. that's the thing with the foreign chips. their hot spicy flavour alwez tastes farni..maybe i shouldn't have been so adventurous and stuck to original flavour. today suddenly had the urge to bake again. then went to jp n splurged on tit bits. see lar. i really need to bring my mummy for "grocery shopping" otherwise i'd go broke.. went to the gym today. half the time i didn't noe wad machine i was using and whether i was using the correct technique n working the correct muscles. haha. well wad can i say. ain't i smart or wad.

quote of the day: Acting stupid could be your best form of defence and counter-attack.

Unknown at 10:51 pm